Cyber-security and Data Privacy
The main goal of ICT4CART is to design, implement and test in real-life conditions an ICT infrastructure for connected and automated road transport. One of the key elements of this infrastructure will be the adoption of good practices in terms of cyber-security.
To do that, ICT4CART partners will study, develop and integrate cyber-security solutions for enhanced end-to-end protection, integrity, privacy and reliability of the data used for automated driving purposes. ICT4CART will address cybersecurity aspect in three different ways.
- The first one will be to analyze existing cybersecurity technologies applied to automated driving use-cases with respect to communication technologies. After doing this state of the art, partners will provide recommendations and complementary applicative solutions to improve communication security mechanisms.
- Then ICT4CART will also develop and provide solutions to ensure cyber-security and data privacy like mechanisms for privacy-friendly authentication for vehicle-to-cloud and infrastructure-to-cloud communications and like Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution to authorize and legitimate access to cloud services and roadside units.
- Finally, to supervise the infrastructure, partners will assess and report systems vulnerabilities; and monitor anomalies at the level of the authentication layer.