German Pilot Site
The German test site is located in the urban area of the City of Ulm.
Ulm University bringing great minds together
The work on the German test site and the accomplished research is led by Ulm University (UULM) and includes contributions of the partners Nokia, BMW, SWARCO, AIRBUS, IBM Ireland (IBM-IE), and the City of Ulm (COU).
The Ulm pilot site aims to implement, test and evaluate three key technologies
Smart parking and on-demand fleet management applications
Precise localization of automated vehicles with correction data from a mobile (cellular) network
Crossing an intersection with the help of an environmental model of the intersection fed by infrastructure sensor information (“virtual mirror”)
This includes the deployment of the ICT reference architecture to be developed within the project as well as research, implementation and evaluation of data management, cyber security, and hybrid communication technologies. Hereby, hybrid communication means that the infrastructure is able to sent and receive information via mobile cellular networks (LTE/5G) as well as ad-hoc networks (ITS-G5).
Cross border Pilot Site
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This site originates form coupling parts of the Italian test site and the Austrian Test.
Austrian Pilot Site
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The Austrian Test Site includes 20km of A2 motorway between “Laßnitzhöhe” and City of Graz.
Italian Pilot Site
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The Italian test site is located in the North-East of Italy in the area of Trento and Verona.
“We look forward to results that will not only bring tautonomous and networked driving, but also strengthen the science and business location of Ulm.”
Gunter Czisch, Mayor of Ulm