ICT4CART at 5th European Conference H2020RTR21
The ICT4CART project presented their results and achievements at the 5th European ConferenceH2020RTR21, which took place in Brussels on the 29-30 March 2022 (in a face to face event).
Organised by the European Commission together with 2Zero, ERTRAC, and CCAM, the 5th European ConferenceH2020RTR21 gathered selected H2020 funded projects on road transport areas, to offer an overview of the achievements of EU funded R&I.

The ICT4CART project results were presented by Dr Vasilis Sourlas (ICCS), featured on 29th March between 11.20 AM and 12.35 PM in the thematic session "ICT infrastructure for road transport", and were very well received.

We will like to thank everyone that attended the session.