ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport

ICT4CART aims to bring together, adapt and improve technological advances from the telecommunication, automotive and IT industries to provide the ICT infrastructure to enable the transition towards road transport automation.

To achieve its objectives ICT4CART, instead of working on generic solutions with questionable impact, builds on four specific high-value use cases, which will be tested under real-life conditions at project sites in Austria, Germany, Italy and at the Italian-Austrian border.

  • Wireless technologies and hybrid communication
    Wireless technologies and hybrid communication

    ICT4CART aims to adopt a hybrid communication approach ( 4G/LTE, 5G and ETSI ITS G5).

  • Cyber-security and Data Privacy
    Cyber-security and Data Privacy

    The main goal is to design, implement and test in real-life conditions an ICT infrastructure for connected and automated road transport.

  • ICT infrastructure & architecture
    ICT infrastructure & architecture

    ICT4CART’s objective is to propose and design the architecture of the IT environment and data exchange, management and analytics components.

  • Localisation services
    Localisation services

    ICT4CART will implement and test novel localisation services, based on high precision GNSS supported by the cellular networks.

  • Data aggregation
    Data aggregation

    ICT4CART’s goal is to implement and test a standards-based distributed IT environment for data aggregation.

  • Innovation Services
    Innovation Services

    ICT4CART will produce key innovations that meet the project’s objectives for an in-use ICT infrastructure.

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6th ITS Hellas Virtual Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems

6th ITS Hellas Virtual Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems

The ITS Hellas organises the 6th Conference entitled: Intelligent Transport Systems in Greece and developments in Greece.

Online Event

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