Deliverables will be updated throughout
the project implementation
The corresponding files are not definitive and may experience
changes after review from the EC
Project management
D1.1 : Quality and Risk Management Plan
This document establishes a quality control strategy and sets the quality objectives for ICT4CART; it includes the Risk Management section with the methodology to identify, evaluate and manage project risks.
Requirements and initial market analysis
D2.1 : Specification of Use Cases
This document includes a detailed specification of the uses cases as a basis for requirement derivations and test site implementations.
D2.2 : Market Analysis
This document includes the needs deriving from the market analysis.
ICT architecture for connected & automated traffic
D3.1 : ICT4CART Reference Architecture
A report specifying the reference architecture of ICT4CART, including communication, data (IT), and cyber-security & privacy.
D3.2 : Flexible Network Specification and Architecture
A report including the architecture and specifications of the communication infrastructure considering the various networks.
D3.3 : IT Environment Specifications and Architecture
A report specifying the IT environment architecture, including data exchange flows and interfaces, management, and analytics, semantic interoperability, and high precision positioning.
D3.4 : Cyber-security and data privacy Specifications and Architecture
A report specifying the architecture and the specifications for cyber-security and data privacy bricks, including
solutions for privacy-friendly-authentication, role-based IAM and cyber-security situation awareness.
Cyber security & data privacy
D6.1 : SoA & benchmarking of Existing Cyber-security Mechanisms and Technologies
This report analyses and compares cyber-security technologies applied to automated driving use cases, with respect to communication technologies, along with recommendations and complementary applicative solutions for improved security mechanisms.
Test sites integration & validation
D7.2 : Adaptation of the reference architecture at the test sites
This deliverable reports the adaptation of the reference architecture at the test sites and the final reference architecture, after receiving feedback from the initial activities at the test sites.
D7.7 : Collected and Aggregated Data
Data collected, aggregated and delivered to WP8
Evaluation & impact assessment
D8.1 : Evaluation methodology
This deliverable describes the proposed methodology framework
D8.2 : Technical evaluation – Version 1
The 1st draft of the technical performance evaluation results
D8.3 : Technical evaluation – Final Version
Final version of the technical evaluation based on the final use cases at the test sites
The deliverable PDF will be published after approval by the European Commission. -
D8.4 : Impact assessment
This report includes the results of the impact analysis
D8.5 : Cost Analysis
This report includes the results of the cost analysis
Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
D9.1 Definition of Communication Strategy and Plan (V I)
Definition of the overall strategy and plan for communication, dissemination and liaison with updates.
D9.2 Definition of Communication Strategy and Plan (V II)
Definition of the overall strategy and plan for communication, dissemination and liaison with updates.
D9.3 Definition of Communication Strategy and Plan (V III)
Definition of the overall strategy and plan for communication, dissemination and liaison with updates.
D9.4 Brand identity and guidelines
Definition of the branding (project logo, font, word and PowerPoint templates, graphic files, visual identity and guidelines).
D9.5 Communication Tools (V I)
The development of all communication tools to be used for promoting ICT4CART to target audiences
D9.6 Communication Tools (V II)
The development of all communication tools to be used for promoting ICT4CART to target audiences with updates
D9.7 Final report on Communication, dissemination & liaison
A summary report of all communication, dissemination, liaison & standardisation activities carried out in course of the project.
D9.10 Business models
A report including the outcome of T9.4 on innovative business modelling. The business analysis will be based on the ICT4CART use cases and test sites.